Meetings Reports
We meet every month, usually on the fourth Thursday of the month, (the December meeting will generally be on the third Thursday). Meetings start no earlier than 7:30pm and end before 10:00pm. Here you’ll find brief reports of many of our meetings. In these we try to include any web links or other pointers to further information that were provided by the speaker at the meeting. If you were at one of our meetings and would like to correct or expand the report relating to it then please email our webmaster.
Timings – 22nd July 2010
At our July meeting Greg Smye-Rumsby gave us an enthusiastic fast-moving talk on the subject of Timings, in which he explored time-scales and the perception …
Science and Beauty of Nebulae – 24th June 2010
At our June meeting Carolin Crawford gave us a talk about The Science and Beauty of Nebulae.
Backbone of the Night – 27th May 2010
The speaker originally booked for our May meeting was unable to come, and so Tony Sizer stepped into the breach and gave us a very …
Members Evening – 22nd April 2010
Our April meeting was a Members Evening, with two members giving us talks about things that interested them. Hugh Alford gave us a talk about …
Meteor Echoes – 26th March 2010
At our March meeting Allan Bell gave us a talk about Meteor Echoes, in which he explained how radio (and radar) could be used to …
AGM and President’s Address – 26th February 2010
The Society Annual General Meeting was held at BEECHE, High Elms. After the normal business including officers’ reports and the election of the committee for …