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Astroshed- rolled off

Astroshed- rolled off

Rate this file (Current rating : 5 / 5 with 1 votes)
File information
Album name:NoelC / Telescopes and Observatories
Rating (1 votes):55555
Image date, time and location:August 2011
Filesize:34 KiB
Date added:Dec 10, 2019
Dimensions:500 x 375 pixels
Displayed:256 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites

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NoelC   [Dec 10, 2019 at 10:02 PM]
The shed is mounted on Henderson overhead door track (which will take over 100kg load and resist the shed being blown over).
The shed is based on a B&Q 6'X4' shed mounted on a laminated ply floor and lined with 6mm ply. Armoured cable connects to the rear of the pier (via two weatherproof sockets). The shed is powered by via a 2.5mm² multi-flex protected mains cable which is externally screened and laid next to a 7m screened usb cable (monitor and keyboard connection) in the flexi conduit.

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