File information |
Filename: | CS_M45_20041025.jpg |
Album name: | CSuddell / Messier Objects |
Rating (3 votes): | |
Link-words: | Messier / Star |
Image date, time and location: | 25th October 2004 approx 11:30pm |
Telescope aperture and focal ratio: | This image was taken using a Canon EOS500n SLR with Fuji Negative film through a Skywatcher Skytravel 80 (400mm focal length, 80mm primary lens) piggy backed on a Meade LX90 using an equatorial wedge. This image is a single 2 minute exposure with no guid |
Filesize: | 153 KiB |
Date added: | Nov 02, 2004 |
Dimensions: | 400 x 644 pixels |
Displayed: | 387 times |
URL: | |
Favorites: | Add to Favorites |