The O.A.S. Astrophotography Gallery

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Messier M106
Located only about 25 million light years away in the Constellation oc Canes Venatici.  The galaxy is an example of the Seyfert class with a bright core powered by an active black hole which is producing large amounts of x-rays.

This image has been constructed using 15x200s 1x1 + 6x600s 1x1 + 5x300s 2x2 giving an equivalent combined unbinned exposure time of 210 minutes - shame about the LP !

Need to revisit the processing on this when I understand it a bit more...
Link-words: Messier Galaxy

Messier M106

Located only about 25 million light years away in the Constellation oc Canes Venatici. The galaxy is an example of the Seyfert class with a bright core powered by an active black hole which is producing large amounts of x-rays.

This image has been constructed using 15x200s 1x1 + 6x600s 1x1 + 5x300s 2x2 giving an equivalent combined unbinned exposure time of 210 minutes - shame about the LP !

Need to revisit the processing on this when I understand it a bit more...

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File information
Album name:RobertM / Galaxies and Clusters
Rating (1 votes):22222
Link-words:Messier / Galaxy
Image date, time and location:April 23rd 2008 from my back garden in Orpington
Telescope aperture and focal ratio:Celestron C9.25 at approx F6.3
Camera and filters used:Starlight-Xpress SXV-H9 with Baader Neodymium Filter
Processing applied:Calibrated DDP stretched in MaximDL and cleaned up un PS
Filesize:103 KiB
Date added:May 14, 2008
Dimensions:1392 x 1040 pixels
Displayed:376 times
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