The O.A.S. Astrophotography Gallery

A place for members' images...

Jupiter with GRS - 1 day after opposition
Taken with Celestron Astro-Fi (tracking) connected to Canon EOS M6 - Mount connected to CPWI using Celestron Wi-Fi adapter and camera connected to iPhone with Canon Connect so recording without touching the rig was possible.  Post processing - PIPP used to ensure stable image and REGISTAX completes the image with orientation and colour correction and wavelet tweaks to bring out the detail.
Link-words: Jupiter

Jupiter with GRS - 1 day after opposition

Taken with Celestron Astro-Fi (tracking) connected to Canon EOS M6 - Mount connected to CPWI using Celestron Wi-Fi adapter and camera connected to iPhone with Canon Connect so recording without touching the rig was possible. Post processing - PIPP used to ensure stable image and REGISTAX completes the image with orientation and colour correction and wavelet tweaks to bring out the detail.

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File information
Album name:RobertFinlay / Jupiter
Rating (1 votes):44444
Image date, time and location:Tuesday 27th September at 9-30pm from Bickley BR1
Telescope aperture and focal ratio:Celestron Astro-Fi 5" SCT - f/10 - FL : 1250mm - 5x Barlow Lens
Camera and filters used:Canon EOS M6 Mk2 with ISO 12800, 1/100 ~ 20 second video at 25FPS - 80A filter
Processing applied:PIPP and REGISTAX 6
Filesize:26 KiB
Date added:Oct 04, 2022
Dimensions:533 x 441 pixels
Displayed:838 times
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