The O.A.S. Astrophotography Gallery

A place for members' images...

When Saturn is visible in the evening sky, take the opportunity to record its details. You can draw, video or photograph its wonderful rings. 
Unfortunately, unless you have a really good telescope with a fair aperture you may not be able to record the finest of details. However, in this particular view, even the Cassini Division shows up well!
Link-words: Saturn


When Saturn is visible in the evening sky, take the opportunity to record its details. You can draw, video or photograph its wonderful rings.
Unfortunately, unless you have a really good telescope with a fair aperture you may not be able to record the finest of details. However, in this particular view, even the Cassini Division shows up well!

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File information
Album name:Nigel Kemp / Saturn
Rating (2 votes):44444
Filesize:3194 Bytes
Date added:Oct 29, 2001
Dimensions:250 x 197 pixels
Displayed:334 times
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