File information |
Filename: | M13_-_Roy_Peters.jpg |
Album name: | Roy / Galaxies and Clusters |
Link-words: | Messier |
Image date, time and location: | 15/05/17, Sevenoaks |
Telescope aperture and focal ratio: | Takahashi TSA-102 with field flattener on modified HEQ5 mount |
Camera and filters used: | Canon 500D, IR/UV cut and Astronomic EOS LP filters, OAG |
Processing applied: | Some cropping and stretching in Photoshop (CS2) |
Filesize: | 2342 KiB |
Date added: | Aug 30, 2017 |
Dimensions: | 3004 x 1932 pixels |
Displayed: | 401 times |
URL: | |
Favorites: | Add to Favorites |