The O.A.S. Astrophotography Gallery

A place for members' images...

Crop from larger image M81 & M82
Luminance: 900 x 4 + 600 x 6 + 300 x 3
Various lengths to attempt IFN and preserve core of M81
RGB 3 x 150 secs binned (each)
Ha 3 x 900secs
Skywatcher 130PDS & Atik460EX, HEQ5

Link-words: CarolePope


Crop from larger image M81 & M82
Luminance: 900 x 4 + 600 x 6 + 300 x 3
Various lengths to attempt IFN and preserve core of M81
RGB 3 x 150 secs binned (each)
Ha 3 x 900secs
Skywatcher 130PDS & Atik460EX, HEQ5

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File information
Album name:Carole / Galaxies and Clusters
Rating (1 votes):55555
Image date, time and location:Cairds campsite 19/4/2018
Telescope aperture and focal ratio:Skywatcher 130PDS F5
Camera and filters used:Atik460EX Baader LRGB + Ha
Processing applied:Astroart, Registar and Photoshop CS3
Filesize:6172 KiB
Date added:Apr 27, 2018
Dimensions:1559 x 1076 pixels
Displayed:223 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites