File information |
Filename: | LIGHT_E300__clone_IV_DT.jpg |
Album name: | Duncan / Galaxies and Clusters |
Link-words: | Duncan |
Image date, time and location: | 2020-04-11, Manche, France |
Telescope aperture and focal ratio: | Meade LX90 UHTC 8" F10 |
Camera and filters used: | ZWO ASI294MC Pro, IDAS LPS-D1 LP filter |
Processing applied: | ASTAP, PixInsight, DarkTable |
Filesize: | 1382 KiB |
Date added: | Apr 14, 2020 |
Dimensions: | 3748 x 2592 pixels |
Displayed: | 126 times |
URL: | |
Favorites: | Add to Favorites |