The O.A.S. Astrophotography Gallery

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IC 1805 Heart Nebula IC 1805 Heart Nebula 
Image taken with Optolong 3nm dual OIII and Ha filter and Askar ColourMagic 6nm duo OIII and SII filter. Integrating the two separate images SHO combination and narrowband processing. 
Link-words: Nebula

IC 1805 Heart Nebula IC 1805 Heart Nebula

Image taken with Optolong 3nm dual OIII and Ha filter and Askar ColourMagic 6nm duo OIII and SII filter. Integrating the two separate images SHO combination and narrowband processing.

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File information
Album name:JohnDeathridge / Nebulae
Rating (1 votes):55555
Image date, time and location:November 3 - 14 Tonbridge Bortle 5
Telescope aperture and focal ratio:William Optics Fluorostar 91 / FLT91
Camera and filters used:ZWO ASI2600MC Pro Askar ColourMagic D2 (Sii+Oiii) Duo Narrow Band 6nm 2" ยท Optolong L-Ultimate 2"
Processing applied:Pleiades Astrophoto PixInsight
Filesize:2294 KiB
Date added:Jan 10, 2024
Dimensions:4752 x 2804 pixels
Displayed:461 times
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