FILE 113/315 |
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File information | |
Filename: | Moon_ISO800_1-3200s__16C_Rgstx.png |
Album name: | Duncan / The Moon |
Link-words: | Duncan |
Image date, time and location: | 20150927 00:30 Manche France |
Telescope aperture and focal ratio: | LX90 8" Baader Alan Gee II Telecompressor F5.5 |
Camera and filters used: | Canon 1000d Modded, no Filters |
Processing applied: | Registax - 10 frames ISO800 1/3200s |
Filesize: | 4979 KiB |
Date added: | Sep 27, 2015 |
Dimensions: | 2584 x 2584 pixels |
Displayed: | 242 times |
URL: | http://gallery.orpington-astronomy.org.uk/displayimage-1578-_The_Moon_just_before_the_Lunar_Eclipse_27_Sept_.html |
Favorites: | Add to Favorites |