The O.A.S. Astrophotography Gallery

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Moon Mosaic (12 panes)
12 pane mosaic of 97% waning gibbous Moon.
Link-words: Moon

Moon Mosaic (12 panes)

12 pane mosaic of 97% waning gibbous Moon.

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File information
Album name:Kenny / The Moon
Image date, time and location:06/04/2015 02:42
Telescope aperture and focal ratio:6" Newtonian telescope
Camera and filters used:Celestron NexImage Solar System Imager with x2 Barlow
Processing applied:12 x 40 second AVIs captured with Celestron NexImage Solar System Imaging CCD Camera in SharpCap2. Videos stacked and auto-sharpened in AutoStakkert2, sharpened further with Registax wavelets and blended in i-Merge. Minor adjustment to histogram and curve
Filesize:150 KiB
Date added:Apr 09, 2015
Dimensions:1392 x 1409 pixels
Displayed:251 times
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