The O.A.S. Astrophotography Gallery

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Moon - just past first quarter waxing gibbous
Just past first quarter - waxing gibbous
Link-words: Dwarf3 Moon

Moon - just past first quarter waxing gibbous

Just past first quarter - waxing gibbous

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File information
Album name:SimonSmollett / The Moon
Link-words:Dwarf3 / Moon
Image date, time and location:06/02/25 10:00pm Chislehurst
Telescope aperture and focal ratio:35mm F4
Camera and filters used:IR cut
Processing applied:None
Filesize:107 KiB
Date added:Feb 07, 2025
Dimensions:1098 x 1113 pixels
Displayed:6 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites