Last additions - Stars, Nebulae and Galaxies

M45 - PleiadesMickWOct 06, 2011

M42 Kelling HeathCaroleOct 06, 2011

The Flame and Horsehead NebulaeMarkSOct 05, 2011

Gamma Cassiopeia with IC59 & IC63 nebulaMarkSOct 05, 2011

NGC 7635 (Bubble Nebula) with the M52 clusterMarkSOct 05, 2011

Ced214(Sh2-171) with NGC7822 in Cepheus MarkSOct 05, 2011

IC1805 - The Heart NebulaMarkSOct 05, 2011

M8 and M20 - The Lagoon and the Trifid NebulaeMarkSOct 05, 2011

M13 Globular ClusterMarkSOct 05, 2011

Gamma Cygni and the surrounding nebulosityMarkSOct 05, 2011

NGC 6559 MarkSOct 05, 2011

Markarian's ChainMarkSOct 05, 2011

M81 and M82 GalaxiesMarkSOct 05, 2011

m33FayOct 05, 2011

M45 - The PleiadesMarkSOct 05, 2011
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