Last additions - Stars, Nebulae and Galaxies

The Wall NGC7000 The North American Nebula in CygnusFayOct 09, 2009

M31 - The Andromeda GalaxyMarkSOct 07, 2009

M45 - The PleiadesMarkSOct 07, 2009

North American, Pelican and a SkullWhittersSep 14, 2009

IC1318 Butterfly Nebula in CygnusFayAug 30, 2009

NGC 6992 - Eastern Veil NebulaMarkSAug 30, 2009

NGC 7000 - The WallMarkSJul 28, 2009

M27 - Dumbbell NebulaMarkSJul 26, 2009

NGC 6888 Crescent Nebula in CygnusFayJun 30, 2009

M13 Hercules ClusterFayJun 18, 2009

M16 Eagle Nebula.MacMay 31, 2009

M13JimMay 26, 2009

M57 Ring Nebula MarkSMay 25, 2009
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