
NGC 7331 spiral in PegasusFay

NGC 891 Spiral Galaxy in AndromedaFay

M31 The Andromeda GalaxyFay

M15 Globular Cluster LRGB ReprocessedRobertM

NGC884 With magnitude data.Mac

NGC884 Part of the Double cluster in perseus.Mac

M31 Andromeda GalaxyFay

M31 Great Andromeda GalaxyFay

M65, M66 NGC 3628 The Leo TripletFay

M33 Pinwheel Spiral Galaxy in TriangulumFay

M13 The Great Hercules Cluster Dist: 23,400 l.y.Fay

M11, The Wild Duck Cluster in Scutum Dist: 5,460 l.yFay

M51 Whirlpool Galaxy in Canes VenaticiFay
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