Address: High Elms Country Park, Shire Lane , Farnborough , Kent , BR6 7JH United Kingdom

Bromley Environmental Education Centre at High Elms (BEECHE)

BEECHE is an education and visitor centre situated in High Elms Country Park, a site of special scientific interest (SSSI), and offers environmental education to schools in term time and a visitor and information centre on weekends and during school holidays. The building is a single storey timber frame with a ‘green’ sedum roof, straw bale walls and sun pipes to bring in natural sunlight to the classrooms.

The Society used BEECHE for its main monthly meetings for many years, until the end of 2016.


Parking at the Nature Centre itself is restricted to those with mobility difficulties and those bringing equipment.

Please park in the main High-Elms car-park off High Elms Road, as marked on the map.

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