Orpington Astronomical Society
Equipment Loans

Equipment Loans

You don’t have to wait for observing evenings to see the wonders of the heavens if you don’t own your own astronomy equipment. People who have been paid up members of the Society for at least 6 months and known by the Society committee may borrow, at the discretion of the Society, astronomy equipment owned by the Society for a limited period. Special conditions will apply in some cases.

The usual reasons for wanting to borrow astronomy equipment are:

  • to get experience with a particular type of telescope before purchase,
  • to fill a need for observing while a first scope is on order,
  • to replace a member’s item of equipment which is being repaired,
  • to obtain access to more advanced astronomy equipment than the member currently owns,
  • to see whether you wish to progress development of your observing skills.

Society Instruments Available

A number of instruments are available for members to borrow, though special conditions will apply in some cases. These instruments are owned by the Society so that its members can use them to enjoy the night sky. You’ll need to be logged in as a member to see the details.

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