Dear OAS Member,
In order to continue your membership of the Orpington Astronomical Society for a further year, you will need to pay your 2024 subscription.
Your subscription entitles you to attend all the meetings of the Society during 2023, including the monthly observing meeting and the monthly talks. You will continue to enjoy at least four issues of our newsletter, TOAST.
Your subscription also allows access to the OAS Forum, where online discussion of topical astronomy-related issues takes place, and it enables you to post your astronomical photographs on the OAS Gallery.
Members in good standing can borrow from the comprehensive range of equipment, and of course have access to OAS meetings that are Zoomed.
Through careful management by your Committee and despite serious inflationary pressures , subscription rates are only slightly increased from 2023
They are as follows:
Adults: £27
Concessions: £25
Juniors (up to 18 years) £10
Family rate for two adults living at the same address £40
Payment may be made by cash or by cheque payable to The Orpington Astronomical Society, at an evening meeting
Or by cheque posted to the OAS Membership Secretary, 56 Baston Road, Bromley BR2 7BE. Please write your name and initials on the back.
Alternatively, you can pay by bank transfer to:
Account name: Orpington Astronomical Society c/o
Account no: 42688060 Sort code: 30-99-50
Reference: your name and initials
Prompt renewal enables us to keep costs down and to plan ahead.
Kind regards
Andrew Ramsay (OAS Chair and Membership Secretary)