Some Space Jokes Click questions to see answers. What kinds of songs do planets like to sing? What kind of poem can you find in outer space? What did the astronaut cook for lunch? How did the astronaut serve dinner in outer space? What’s the best way to talk to a Martian? What’s a Martian’s normal eyesight? What’s the most popular snack on Mars? Why do you see no Martians tourists at the Grand Canyon? Why did the boy become an astronaut ? What do astronauts wear to keep warm ? Where do astronauts leave their spaceships ? Where do Martians drink beer ? How do you get a baby astronaut to sleep ? Two astronauts went to a bar on the moon, but they left after a few minutes ? How do spacemen pass the time on long trips ? Where does Dr Who buy his cheese ? Why did Captain Kirk go into the ladies toilet ? When is a window like a star? What is an astronaut’s favourite meal? How many Borg does it take to screw in a light bulb? What kind of bulbs should you plant on the moon? What kind of ticks do you find on the moon?