Last additions - Stars, Nebulae and Galaxies

M57 The Ring NebulaRobertMJul 13, 2008

Part of CygnusMarkSJul 10, 2008

Veil Nebula (Witches Broom)MarkSJul 08, 2008

NGC 7000 the North America/Pelican Nebulae and DenebRobertMJul 06, 2008

Albireo Double StarMarkSJul 05, 2008

M8 Lagoon, M20 Triffid and M21 Cluster in SagittariusRobertMJun 28, 2008

Scorpius/Ophiuchus/Sagittarius WidefieldRobertMJun 27, 2008

M27 Dumbbell Nebula in Vulpecula, first lightFayJun 27, 2008

Cygnus widefieldRobertMJun 27, 2008

M27 using a modified CanonMarkSJun 25, 2008

NGC 6946 in CepheusFayJun 20, 2008

M13 in HerculesMarkSJun 11, 2008
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