Last additions - Stars, Nebulae and Galaxies

M51 - Whirlpool GalaxyMarkSApr 02, 2008

M81 Bodes NebulaRobertMApr 02, 2008

M1 The Crab NebulaFayFeb 13, 2008

The Rosette Nebula NGC 2244FayFeb 10, 2008

Diffuse Nebula in Cassiopeia NGC 7635 Bubble NebulaFayJan 27, 2008

M42 The Orion NebulaIanDec 10, 2007

M31, AndromedaTonyGDec 09, 2007

M31 The Great Andromeda Galaxy FayDec 08, 2007

M45 in TaurusFayDec 08, 2007

m45 The Pleiades cluster/ Seven Sisters in TaurusFayDec 06, 2007
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